About the Handbook:

The World of Medicine is a complex and diverse ecosystem, containing a countless number of unusual and varied species of medical staff - be they doctors, nurses or students.

If, like me, you are a medical student, then you will often explore this fascinating place. In this handbook, you will find (hopefully) entertaining reports based on each type of species that you may encounter, including tips on how best to survive and flourish in the healthcare habitat.

Enjoy, and good luck on your travels!

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Golden Goose Consultant

Illustration by Lynda Richardson
Few experiences of the healthcare habitat are as rewarding as when an explorer comes across a golden goose consultant. Whether the encounter is through fate or through searching, any hardworking explorer should seek out this well-sought after species, in the hopes of claiming some of the treasures that these magnificent creatures possess.

Found most frequently in less hectic areas of the ecosystem, in specialities such as elderly medicine or away from the hospital altogether, in GP practices. Once the golden goose encounters an explorer, it will approach them in an inviting manner, and will almost immediately begin to offer its gifts - one-on-one teaching opportunities, skill practice, contact details for other consultants, even the rarest of prized treasures - offers of work experience or opportunities above and beyond that of standard explorer training. The knowledge taken from these is hugely valuable to any explorer, and these encounters often prove the most lucrative of any explorer's expeditions on the safari.

Once an explorer accepts these gifts, the golden goose will often become even further inclined to produce more and more treasures, benefitting the recipient more and more exponentially. To maximise rewards reaped from these scenarios, explorers are advised to respond with positivity and enthusiasm, egging on the generous species to be even more beneficial in the future. By contrast, responding negatively, or worse, apathetically, can be very detrimental to the experience, often disheartening the species into producing less of its' treasured gifts. In the event that an explorer wants to accept a gift (such as work experience) but is physically unable to (due to prior commitments for example), the explorer can reject an offer without majorly disheartening the golden goose, but persistent rejection puts the explorer at increased risk of missing out on rewards.

Of course, like all other species from the consultant genus, the golden goose is an extremely hardworking species, so can often be distracted from an explorer it has encountered, and may become irritated by the explorer if he or she persists too aggressively in demanding gifts. A patient approach to conversing with the species is recommended - even if the goose is too hassled during an encounter to produce any rewards, it is unlikely that this will continue in the future, so be patient and wait for the correct opportunity to work more closely.

Golden goose consultants are surprisingly difficult to encounter during general exploration of the healthcare habitat, so it is important that once an explorer has found one, they must do their best to stay in touch with the species. Sharing contact details can be very lucrative, allowing the receipt of certain prizes despite the explorer and consultant no longer working in proximity to one another. In an ideal situation, golden geese may even seek out the explorer to offer rewards, such as offering the opportunity to aid in research, or attend special one-off medical events.

Explorers may be tempted to boast of their find with their comrades in exploration, but on a selfish note, this can provoke these comrades to also seek out said fabled golden goose, and as a result, the golden goose may begin to offer gifts to other explorers, potentially reducing the number of gifts that you yourself may receive. If tempted to discuss encounters whilst exploring, simply bring up the Consultasaurus Rex that you worked with last month. They're welcome to take him off your hands.

Golden geese are a fountain from which countless opportunities may spring for any explorer, provided that the explorer approaches the situation enthusiastically and patiently. If you are on good terms with an individual of the species, the individual will most probably be friendly to you, and the rewards from such a friendship can keep coming for countless years.

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