Illustration By Lynda Richardson |
one of the nurses in a position of command, the alpha species is one of the
most able, in terms of leadership, teamwork, patient interaction and task
management. Most species of nurse will quickly defer to the alpha, and the most
of the doctor genus' interaction with nurse species will come through this
individual. As an explorer, it is very useful to shadow these members of the
team, as they seem to be involved with everything that the pack is doing.
welcoming and integrating process in a nurse pack is vastly different to the
same process whilst working with species such as the Consultasaurus Rex. Where
these species expect the explorer to only make themselves known when the
species decides that they have the time to be inclusive, the alpha nurse
expects any explorer seeking to integrate into a pack's ward to make their
presence heard. This is best done by approaching a member of the pack, giving
them a greeting, to which the pack member will normally redirect you towards
the pack's alpha.
Boldness in
this circumstance is highly rewarded - the pack is very busy during the day,
and is less likely to approach an explorer stood at ward reception looking
around sheepishly than it is to react pleasantly to an approach from a more
daring explorer. Although, one must not go too far so as to be rude - alphas
can become irritated if their daily rituals are directly interrupted by an
overly abrasive explorer - and as is the case outside the healthcare habitat, a
pack will always support their leader, meaning an icy reception from the alpha
will incur further iciness from the rest of the pack.
If the pack leader believes that the explorer will be a useful addition to the pack, helping with more menial tasks, performing skills that would otherwise be seen as mundane chores, then the explorer will be brought into the fold with open arms. The benefits of this inclusion are numerous to an explorer, making time spent in the pack's territory much more useful. With pack support, an explorer will often be able to:
· Cherry-pick the best activities and rituals to take part in - from taking bloods to inserting cannulas, if an explorer declares themselves up for a task, the alpha will gladly grant you the boon, normally with an underling pack member to guide you through the process. This can even extend so far as for some packs to hold onto certain rituals until the explorer's arrival, to give them the chance to take part if they so desire.
· Gain pack intel about the best patients to talk to - with pack favour, the alpha will recommend which patients are best to interview - helping avoid difficult interactions with patients that are unwilling to entertain an explorer.
The alpha
nurse, and in extension the nurse pack, are valuable allies to have gained in
the healthcare habitat. The opportunities that a long-term pact with this
species can produce are innumerable, and explorers are advised to build healthy
relationships from the offset. They are, after all, going to be strongly
present factors in the rest of the
explorers time in the healthcare habitat.
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